Branding is long-term focused, rather than special promotions or a discounts. The tactics for staying top-of-mind 6 or 12 months from now are different than getting them to notice you right now.
The Brenits Creative Blog
Insights on branding, marketing, and creative strategy.
Client Perspectives
Case Studies
How I Killed (and Fixed) My Email Campaigns
It took just ten minutes to update my DNS settings, and almost two weeks to fix the problem I created. This article is a cautionary tale of letting better get in the way of good enough.
Don’t Stop Marketing
Rather than stopping all of your marketing, consider instead changing your strategy. Instead of selling, inform. Instead of daily email blasts, send emails weekly (or monthly). Instead of doing the same thing you’ve always done, pivot to something different. Here are some specific ideas for this difficult time.
We’re all working from home now.
Since so many people are working from now, and Brenits Creative is a 100% remote-work team, I wanted to share the four things that I have been doing consistently for 20 years.
How To Name Your Brand
To remind us that names have only as much power as we give them, Juliet in Shakespeare's...
How Behaving Like A Consultant Made Me A Better In-House Corporate Creative
Last year I wrote about some lessons learned while working in-house that makes me a...