Demystifying Branding and Marketing Strategy.

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25+ years of industry experience and know-how delivered with insight into today’s branding and marketing challenges.

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50 Ways to Differentiate Your brand

Everybody wants a brand that’s different. The irony of that statement is intentional. It belies the conservative manner in which most brands approach competitive difference. They say they want to be distinctive to consumers but often, in their heart of hearts, they...

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What Being An Admired Brand Does For Your Business

The American Marketing Association defines a brand as a name, term, symbol, and/or design that’s intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or a group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of the competition. However, we argue that a brand is...

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A Guide To Responsive Logos

To provide a comprehensive user experience across multiple mediums, a true responsive design isn’t limited to context or shrinking content on a page. Subtle design considerations, such as the icons and logos should also be flexible enough to follow similar contextual responsive principles.

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Identifying Your Brand Culture

Brand culture is the culture that a company cultivates in order to powerfully, consistently and competitively deliver its brand to market. It’s how people work together to bring the brand alive for customers. But brand cultures are more than an expression of the brand itself; they are, by necessity, an expression of the people who work for that brand and the decisions and ways of working and behaving that they agree to work within.

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The Difference Between Branding And Marketing

The Difference Between Branding And Marketing

While the branding and marketing are undoubtedly connected, there are minute differences between the two. As a business owner it is essential that you understand branding and marketing in detail, so that you can effectively utilize them together. Below is a closer look at the differences between branding and marketing.

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The Difference Between Branding, Identity & Logo Design

I often talk about how your logo is not your brand, nor is it your identity. Logo design, identity design and branding all have different roles, that together, form a perceived image for a business or product. Here is some clarification of the differences between...

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How Flexible Is Your Logo?

An advantage of marketing a small business is the flexibility to try new strategies to grow your business.
Though you may be flexible enough to try new marketing tactics to grow your business is your logo?

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10 Branding Mistakes Your Small Business is Making.

When you think about great branding, Coca Cola’s distinctive red and white lettering, Nike’s swoosh and Adidas’s three stripes likely come to mind. But as a small business, imagining the level of investment that’s gone into these iconic images can make the thought of...

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Work at an agency, freelance or go in-house? Part 2

FREELANCE VERSUS THE SALARIED (IN-HOUSE) JOB. When I was just starting out, the thought of a designer going in-house was almost unheard of. We were educated to believe that the best work was being done by ad agencies and design studios, and your best bet starting out was to get a freelance gig starting at the bottom and proving yourself to move up to the juicy client work.

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Work at an agency, freelance or go in-house? Part 1

It’s hard for me to believe I’ve been at this—being a design professional—for nearly 25 years, since I’m the first one not to go into some more traditional (for my family, at least) field of study or business. I grew up around relatives who worked on Wall Street, in...

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Get the most ROI from training and development of staff

You’ve likely seen the meme below on LinkedIn and thought to yourself “Yes, this is so true. But what can I do about it. I don’t have a budget for training and development”. Or maybe you see that meme and think about yourself and wish your boss could break with a...

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3 Ways to Find a Great In-House Creative Job

We’ve all heard the old saying that it’s “not what you know, but who you know” when it comes to getting a new job. Look, lets be honest with ourselves for a moment shall we? We’re all talented, creative, and experienced to one degree or another. And we have great...

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Inspiration, Career Influencers and Design Heroes

I’m one of those lucky people who knew early on what I wanted to do when I grew up, and my parents always encouraged me to develop my talent. Growing up in a family full of business professionals I was encouraged to “do more art” rather than persuaded to focus on...

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