We hope you enjoy these easy-to-read and easy-to-digest articles about branding, marketing, and productivity strategies for growing 1-5 person businesses.

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Brand Marketing in a time of COVID-19

Brand Marketing in a time of COVID-19

Branding is long-term focused, rather than special promotions or a discounts. The tactics for staying top-of-mind 6 or 12 months from now are different than getting them to notice you right now.

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Don’t Stop Marketing

Don’t Stop Marketing

Rather than stopping all of your marketing, consider instead changing your strategy. Instead of selling, inform. Instead of daily email blasts, send emails weekly (or monthly). Instead of doing the same thing you’ve always done, pivot to something different. Here are some specific ideas for this difficult time.

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We’re all working from home now.

We’re all working from home now.

Since so many people are working from now, and Brenits Creative is a 100% remote-work team, I wanted to share the four things that I have been doing consistently for 20 years.

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The Difference Between Marketing Strategy and Tactics

The Difference Between Marketing Strategy and Tactics

Your website isn’t converting. The social media advertising doesn’t bring in as many leads as you hoped. The direct mail campaign was a waste of paper. Your emails don’t get opened. And none of it is bringing in any new business. Sounds familiar right?

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