We hope you enjoy these easy-to-read and easy-to-digest articles about branding, marketing, and productivity strategies for growing 1-5 person businesses.

Make a “start, stop, continue” list

Make a “start, stop, continue” list

A “start, stop, continue” list is a helpful tool for reflection and growth. For a business, it can be used to identify projects, initiatives, and activities that are worth starting, stopping, or continuing to achieve specific business goals.

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To-Do, To-Don’t, To-Done!

To-Do, To-Don’t, To-Done!

Sometimes it feels like there’s a lot on my plate. I run my own business, sit on two boards, serve as leadership for my referral networking group, and I teach. Most importantly, I’m a husband and father. I have a lot of stuff that needs to get done every day. But I’m never overwhelmed enough to say, “my plate is overfull.”

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