We hope you enjoy these easy-to-read and easy-to-digest articles about branding, marketing, and productivity strategies for growing 1-5 person businesses.

6 Ways To Spot Cheap Logo Design

6 Ways To Spot Cheap Logo Design

There’s only one thing worse than a cheap logo, and that’s a cheap looking logo. Even if your average consumer can’t communicate why your logo makes them feel embarrassed, disgusted, or confused, they’re still going to have that reaction anyway.

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A Guide To Responsive Logos

To provide a comprehensive user experience across multiple mediums, a true responsive design isn’t limited to context or shrinking content on a page. Subtle design considerations, such as the icons and logos should also be flexible enough to follow similar contextual responsive principles.

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How Flexible Is Your Logo?

An advantage of marketing a small business is the flexibility to try new strategies to grow your business.
Though you may be flexible enough to try new marketing tactics to grow your business is your logo?

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