We hope you enjoy these easy-to-read and easy-to-digest articles about branding, marketing, and productivity strategies for growing 1-5 person businesses.

Agile Marketing Planning
Social Media: A Marketing Tactic or Strategy?

Social Media: A Marketing Tactic or Strategy?

While social media platforms provide tactical tools, they are just a part of a comprehensive marketing strategy. By expanding your tactics arsenal beyond social media, such as leveraging email newsletters, advertising, and engaging in speaking opportunities, you can connect with a broader audience. However, the key lies in adopting a strategic approach.

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7 Tips For A Mid-Year Brand And Marketing Checkup

7 Tips For A Mid-Year Brand And Marketing Checkup

As we approach the halfway point of the year, now is the perfect time to take a step back and evaluate the effectiveness of your brand and marketing strategy. It’s a good idea to do a mid-year checkup to ensure you’re on track to meet your goals and make any necessary adjustments before it’s too late.

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The Power of Pricing: How to Make Your Brand Stand Out

The Power of Pricing: How to Make Your Brand Stand Out

The right pricing strategy is crucial to the success of your brand. It should align with your brand’s values and positioning, and can create a loyal customer base, increase sales, and boost revenue. On the other hand, the wrong pricing can damage your brand’s reputation, decrease sales, and drive customers away.

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