We hope you enjoy these easy-to-read and easy-to-digest articles about branding, marketing, and productivity strategies for growing 1-5 person businesses.

Six Steps To Get More Referrals From Your Network

Six Steps To Get More Referrals From Your Network

During the week, people all over the world attend BNI meetings to get and give referrals. But as it turns out, few members tap into the full potential of their BNI chapter. There is a system for generating business referrals, and you have to be willing to do the hard work it takes to get them. Here are six step-by-step instructions for helping people to help you.

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The WHY of BNI Education

The WHY of BNI Education

If anyone in the room owns a business with staff, you have likely experienced “leaky bucket” syndrome where we train our team only to find a few weeks later they’ve forgotten the training. We have to keep topping off the bucket!

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