
Creative problem-solving, strategic thinking, insight, and objectivity.

IdeaStorming will help you develop, refine, and clarify strategies to grow your brand and business.


There are four ways to work with us: IdeaStormSM sessions, Brand Marketing Coaching, and the BrandStormSM.

IdeaStormingSM (Pick-My-Brain Sessions)

Designed for business owners who need objective and creative insights to help develop, refine, and clarify strategies that will grow your brand and business. And we’ll do it in just one hour. 

Some people take the ideas and run with them. Others want to continue brainstorming more often, such as bi-weekly or monthly sessions. It’s up to you and your specific needs.

What can we brainstorm during our pick-my-brain session? It’s up to you.

  • We can brainstorm ideas for your branding and marketing.
  • We can develop a simple elevator speech
  • We can brainstorm content marketing topics
  • Bounce ideas off me for that new product or service you’ve been thinking about, and I’ll give you objective, unbiased, practical advice to make it marketable.
  • Draft a killer elevator pitch or networking meeting commercial that describes your unique value.

How it works: We’ll brainstorm by videoconferencing after you schedule your session online. If necessary, I will follow up with valuable resources related to the solutions we develop during our session.

Pick my brain for 60 minutes

Schedule a 60-minute pick-my-brain session and get an hour of ideas and strategy that you can act on right away. Fee: $250 due at time of scheduling.

Not sure if IdeaStorming is right for you?
Schedule a consultation, and we’ll figure it out together.

IdeaStormSM Workshops

In a half-day or full-day problem-solving workshop, we’ll dive deeply into your brand, marketing, operations, and business growth challenges. Afterward, you’ll receive a briefing with a recap of the workshop and actionable strategies and tactics to grow your business.

How it works: We’ll kick things off with a pregame call, conduct the brainstorming workshop, and then follow up with a call to review the briefing.

Brand Marketing Coaching

Brand Marketing coaching is for the entrepreneur who needs to develop their brand marketing but doesn’t have the budget for an agency to do it all for them. Or maybe you prefer to execute things on your own time and need expert guidance.

We will help you develop, refine, and clarify strategies to grow your business. From branding and marketing to productivity and management, coaching sessions help you develop the skills and resources you need to run your business and grow your brand.

How it works: We’ll kick things off with a short call to determine your needs and design a coaching program tailored to your goals. Then we’ll meet twice monthly for a total of 90 minutes for six to 12 months.



The BrandStormSM is a mind-clearing, eye-opening experience addressing critical questions like:

  • Are you reaching the right audience and positioning your business so that you’re the only choice for them?
  • Do you stand out as being different from your competition?
  • Does your brand message inspire curiosity and drive potential customers to want more?
  • Is your marketing strategy effective in growing your business, and are the tactics appropriate to reach your prospects?
  • Is your website set up to make it easy for your prospects to find what they are looking for?

The time you spend in the BrandStormSM session will have you thinking about your brand – and business – in new ways. Then we take it all in And push it through our objective lens. We’ll identify how to position your unique value proposition – your “it” factor – to draw prospects to you like a moth to a flame.

After your BrandStormSM session, we’ll send you a briefing with a roadmap and the next steps for moving your brand and business forward.

The BrandStormSM is the best way we deliver value to a business struggling with brand awareness, marketing, sales, and reputation management.

How it works: We’ll conduct your 2-hour BrandStormSM session after you schedule it online and complete a short pre-session questionnaire. Ten days after your BrandStorm session, we’ll deliver your briefing and review it together via videoconference to address any questions you may have.

Is IdeaStorming right for you?

If IdeaStorming sounds like something you need, then let’s have a short call first. At the end of an initial consultation, we’ll better understand your challenges and how we can help with one of these IdeaStorming solutions.

Schedulefree consultation here to see if we’re a good fit for working together, or contact us with this form.