Here’s a little tale about why you’re always networking, even when you’re just grabbing a plate of free food.
Yesterday, I was wrapping up my class at the local campus of a larger university when a colleague pops in to tell me there’s free food—pizza, pasta, cake—the works—in the common room. Naturally, I’m not one to pass up free carbs, so I head downstairs.
Turns out it’s a little pre-holiday celebration for staff, faculty, and students. I grab a plate, scoop up a little of everything, and look for a place to sit. I end up at a table with two guys wearing black polos with the school’s red logo on them.
They introduce themselves as Joe and Al—both super nice—and we start chatting about academic programs, campus happenings, and names of people I don’t know. I figure, Why not jump into the conversation? So I chime in, and we start talking about the growth in the area. Turns out Joe is in town from the main campus in Chicago, and Al moved here from Chicago in June for his new role of Partnerships and Fundraising Director. Joe then mentions that he was just in the town where I live to meet with the Town Manager about bringing the MBA program to the academic campus in town.
That’s my cue. I casually drop that I’m from that town, on the board of the Chamber of Commerce, and that I’ve taught branding and marketing strategy courses in master’s programs before.
Joe perks up. I explain a bit about the classes I’ve taught where students create and pitch a brand as if they’re trying to raise funding. He says, “That’s really interesting! We’ve been talking about adding more entrepreneurship classes to the MBA program. I’d like to hear more about your course.”
He doesn’t have a business card but asks if he can text me his info. Sure thing—I give him my number, and a minute later, I get this text:
“Hi Andy. It’s Joe. Please email me at [email protected] re: Branding courses within MBA. Thank you!”
Joe heads off to a meeting, leaving me chatting with Al about marketing and entrepreneurship for a bit longer.
As Al and I continued to chat, I learned who Joe really was: He’s the president of the university.
The takeaway? You’re always networking. Even when you think you’re just grabbing free pasta, you might be sitting next to someone who can open doors you didn’t even realize were there. So always show up, be curious, and stay ready—you never know who you’re talking to.
And don’t forget to follow up on these opportunities!